Leonardo DiCaprio interview on The Treatment

Leonardo DiCaprio was interviewed on The Treatment, Wednesday January 15, 2014. He is well know for acting in many great film such as "Wolf of Wall Street", " Titanic", "Inception"," The Great Gatsby", "Django Unchained" and much more. Leonardo has had numerous lead roles in films that make us think about what happens in the minds of humanity, human nature and reaches out to the viewer in a way that not many other films do.
Leonardo always plays roles of characters that are extremely flawed and outrageous but yet you can help but to relate to those characters in some way. It is because its human nature the characters are true and uncensored because it is the reality. These downward spiraling characters are what we are subconsciously drawn to. A major influence to Leonardo DiCaprio was Martin Scorsese's 1976 "Taxi Driver".
"As long as you try to stick false empathy or sympathy or tack on any crappy didactic reasoning for their actions you are saying something about our world and culture that we live in and for human nature" Says Leonardo during the interview with KCRW The Treatment, quoting Martin Scorsese. This is exactly what draws Leonardo to a lot of Scorsese's films. The doomed and self-destructive characters is what motivates Leonardo, this touches his interest in financial corruption and greed like in "The Great Gatsby" and "Wolf of Wall Street" .
Leonardo constantly explained his curiosity with real human nature and the dark side of themselves that everyone hides for whatever reason the characters he plays express that; they are what we sugar coat in our daily lives, things we don't discuss. Leonardo says " these films explore the darker side of human nature, of who we are". We all want more than we have, we want the American dream and doing whatever it takes to get it. this is what leans Leonardo's characters in term oil and is their strength as well as their down fall.
Leonardo talks about what the films he participated in do to the viewer and the message they convey. "[the films] does what cinema can unlike any other form of art can and that is emerge you in someone else's mind set as an audience member and be submerged in the reality so completely that the rest of the world washes away, you no longer have an identity". This is what he looks for when picking a role to play and Martin Scorsese is known for making films like these. This is what Leonardo aims for when making a film, that is so real and raw that we cant help but to stop and watch what happens to this character.
I believe that Leonardo was very spot on about what cinema can do that other art mediums cant and that is what a lot of directors and actors aim for when making a film. It is what we all want in a movie. Leonardo had brought out the type of films that show our culture, and humanity into light, the truth about what happens to real people. To all of us as human beings. His films explore who we are and it is like that for any generations. Leonardo does what i believe all actors try to do and not many can. He makes you feel what his character is feeling and even though you might not always anticipate what his character will do next so you just expect the unexpected but still see and understand the world through the characters eyes.